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Saturday, October 30, 2010
Ignorance Is Your New Best Friend

Okay, so have you guys ever had that epiphany that you could actually do something crazy, for example cook like the people on masterchef, and then realised how stupid you were in thinking you could cook amazingly when you look at the recipe. I certainly had that same feeling when I decided to cook something today, and I went on the masterchef website. Usually, the recipes I read are quite simple, requiring only basic ingredients and instructions like "mix it up, or mix it in, or place in oven". Yeah, well, a word of warning guys, not all are like that.


Look if you dare. Okay, for some reason I can't actually attach the picture of the cake, but it looks amazing, and considering I had made mousse before, it didn't strike me as hard. Well, I am just another victim of the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover." So, I sat in my chair and read the list of 51 listed ingredients (that's seriously how many ingredients are listed, some are repeats but that doesn't matter) gawping.

In fact, I had to do some research and find out what some of those ingredients actually were.
So, here is what I actually managed to decipher. Some of them are, in fact, not what you would actually expect...

Calvados: Hmm, so what would you normally put in a chocolate cake. Maybe some chocolate, some egg, some sugar. But Brandy? Well, I guess this is masterchef =.=

Gelatine Leaves? What the hell?

Inverted Sugar? You mean sugar turned upside down? So i looked this one up, and it is apparently defined as invert sugar n. A mixture of equal parts of glucose and fructose resulting from the hydrolysis of sucrose.

Okaaaayy.... *shifty eyes*

Pectin nh? Uhhh... I have no freaking idea what this is. All I gathered was that it is used in french pastries or whatever.

Liquid Strained Black Tea? O.O
Blackberry Ganache?

Okay, so you get the whole gist. This recipe is ridiculously hard. In fact, I have a new level of respect for those poor contestants who have to actually make this. They should be payed billions of dollars for all their hard work because all I know is, that even knowing what these ingredients are is a hefty job. Actually, most neurosurgeons probably won't even know why the hell you need to have ""A mixture of equal parts of glucose and fructose resulting from the hydrolysis of sucrose."" in a freaking chocolate cake anyways.

Oh, and there are also those wierd steps you have to do too. In fact, most would also require deciphering. This is actually even worse than the time when I attempted to decipher a medicine journal for my biology assignment, which essentially involved deciphering within deciphering to get the whole gist of what they were trying to say.

But, I mean, just one thing seems to confuse me: why the hell do you need a chocolate spray gun? To shoot the oven if it's being pissy?

Well, one thing established. Maybe I should just go an cook some inferior butter cupcakes...

Now, for the real juicy part that Victoria has been begging me to blog about XD

Okay, so how cute is this pomeranian? In fact, I might just devote my next blog to cutie cutie doggies XD


Monday, October 25, 2010
The Stories are getting old.

Hey Blogfreaks.
How are you? It's been such a long time since I last spoke to your pretty little cyberspaces. I won't bother making up matrices of excuses because we all know the reason I haven't blogged is because a) I've been a bit busy *COUGH* and b) because my internet is so very slow.

I'll try my best to make this blog make up for all the ways that I have been pathetic in the past.

Okay, so to first refresh your memory, my name is Steph. That's just in case you've forgotten my name.

I'm a big exaggerator. Most people have probably observed that already since they have most likely experienced my eccentricity (ahaha. no pun intended) at least a few times in their lifetimes. Now, I understand that most people will have gotten sick of this particular personality after these moments, but I have a lovely group of people that take advantage of this and consequently seduce and impregnate me, then dumping me for my ex lover. Now, some people will know what I'm talking about, some people won't, but my main point is that my life is about as boring, yet as crazy as nothing you've ever seen before.

Okay, so we've established that I'm a big drama queen.

I am also very very ambitious, meaning I don't tend to like getting beaten in superficial things, like games. I'm not to the extent that I would throw a tantrum and hate the winner for the rest of my lifetime, since that would be stupid. In school, this does not really occur in the form of "will to win", moreso competitiveness. Most people would have observed this at some point if they've ever been in my class, but I think it is in my nature since I used to be a competitive swimmer and all of it was drilled into me in early childhood. But, essentially, I would go to all extents to end up the winner in the long term.

So what is this all getting to? Well, now that we've established that I am an over ambitious drama queen, I'd like to tell you about a little game that seems to result in my exerting every ounce of energy and experiencing every degree of pain in order to win.

Okay, so you should know this game. It's called Last Hit. I'll attach the link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE1kpPtuO9s. I don't know if this is in the best quality or not, but what I DO know, is that it is one damn annoyingly dangerous game. I swear, this game is seriously as dangerous as depicted in the video above.

Mitchell will most likely agree with it. The function below is true for all variables.


where S is representative of Steph, LH is representative of Last Hit, and FLKM is representative of Flying Lethal Killing Machine. This is very much true for all occasions.

And since it has occurred so often, I have decided to report most incidents that something significant has occurred. So let's start with how it all began. Basically, what I remember is Jela and Mitchell going on a total touching rampage. At first, I saw it as something sus, but as I realised what it was, I guess I ended up joining in as well, and since I am an over ambitious drama queen, it suited character that I tended to overreact in situations.

So, I don't remember all occasions, but what I do remember is chasing Mitchell all around the place. I reckon that I've probably ran 2 kilometers in his pursuit. What I also remember is a lot, and I mean A LOT of bumping/pushing/swearing. Actually, in fact, with my big huge 10kg bag, I am pleased to report that I have bowled and consequently rendered infertile a whole group of TC's. *applauds* Yes, thank you guys, now considering that I have knocked most of them senseless, they are now uncapable of reproducing.

Okay, I'm very mean, but I'll get back to my ramble story.

Now, this leads to the event today at the bus way, when the evident lack of 130 busses consequently resulted in a mass stampede of 130 people desperate to get home. Unfortunately, I was one of them, though I was going to pump some gut at the gym. Now, Mitchell was also at the busway, and he thought it would be funny if he played last hit where I couldn't get him back. Now, being the over ambitious drama queen I am, naturally, this was not a good option, since I was consequently hitting Mitchell whilst trying to get onto the bus.

We all know what this is leading to.

Basically, I hit him, and tried to get on the bus, but failed getting on and consequently took myself and about half a dozen people out with me, well I think so. I know for a fact that I heard a few snide remarks. LAUGH ALL YOU WANT, I'M JUST GOING TO SUFFER WITH A LUMP THE SIZE OF A KNEECAP ON MY SHIN. Well, I'm over exaggerating again, but it still freaking hurt, and I DO have a lump on my kneecap. So all humiliated and stuff, I moved up the bus, where I saw darling Natalie, who told me that my blouse button was so conveniently open. This consequently caused me to automatically wonder who had seen my scandelously exposed middle area, and for exactly how long it had been like that (consequently the thought that multiple people with whom I communicated with previously were probably too embarrassed to mention that my button was open, probably since they were guys).

This leads me to my last complaint of this evening. School Blouses. Now, I know my male audience won't know what it's like to wear these pieces of shit, nor will they understand what it's like to have a big chest. No doubt, they are also feeling awkward at this very moment in time, but this is about as awkward as it comes. So, when men design these blouses, they also fail to consider the fact that some people have such an ill proportioned body, that a shirt that is the right length, may not be the right width. The people at school always say "Yeah, guys, our uniforms are awesome, wear them properly." But how can we, when they often forget that the female population mostly have some sort of chest size, which is often troublesome when they have to wear blouses designed for boys.

Just saying.

Okay, so although I cannot upload ALL the great pics I took, I'll upload the two that I had ready for the last time I was about to blog.

In time of darkness, colour can get us through

It's intrigue is what gives us hope

I hope you enjoyed


Friday, October 22, 2010

Oh, Announcement announcement. Victoria got scared by a crow in Nancy Drew. HAHAHAHA. This was too funny to not post.

That is all XD


P.s. play senior detective XD


Hey friends,
So my internet is capped, which means that if I a) upload pictures and b) blog massively, it mass lags or won't upload at all. So, my posts will be short and sweet from now to 1 November.

I"m sorryyyyyyyy for my laziness XD. I'm tired -O-""


Wednesday, October 20, 2010
All of My Memories

Monday, October 18, 2010
Special Announcement

Omg Guys.
Vic's coming to HK too at the end of the year, which means we can pick out some awesome retarded shirts together. Yay!

LOL, yup, nice post Steph.


Touch-A Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me.

I'm not a stranger
No I am yours
With crippled anger
And tears that still drip sore

"Cut" - Plumb

This is the most moving song I've heard in a long, long time. Since I watched the scene in the Vampire Diaries, it has probably been my obsession over the last few days, if economics wasn't it. Wait, maybe it was because of the fact it was in Vampire Diaries that I am obsessing over it. All I know it reminds me of Stefan and Elena, and my heart starts to leap inside.

So as obvious, my new obsession is Vampire Diaries. I think I spent a whole 12 hours watching this on Saturday, resulting in an argument with my mother, which consequently broke my headphones and postponed my economics completion one day, but hey? It was worth it.

So who do you like better?


Oh, and how freaking pretty is Elena? Seriously, if you like pretty people, the Vampire Diaries is for you.

Okay, so I'm trying NOT to be obsessive here. But it's really hard not to. I mean, don't say that Vampire Diaries is like twilight. It's not twilight. What is twilight? Twilight is a piece of SHIT, with all those sparkling dancing beautiful vampires. In Vampire Diaries, there are actual HOT characters, an interesting storyline, vampires that do BURN in the sun, that feed off people AND they don't freaking believe in abstinence. I mean, that whole no sex thing between Bella and Edward got freaking annoying after a while.

And anyways, Vampire Diaries was actually written before twilight. I mean, I'll probably never read the books, but the TV show is pretty damn awesome. Just telling ya.

Oh, and it is actually quite freaky, which is kind of what you would expect from a vamp movie. Not like some kind of twilight crap which involves vegetarian vampires scaring away all the awesome vampires. I mean, don't you guys think it would've been better if James just ate Bella and we wouldn't have to endure the three books that followed.

Okay. So now we have that settled.

MADE IN CHINA BABY. So, we all know the names of the tank engines in Thowas & Frields. There is of course Nekry the green engine who always seems to get into some sort of trouble, Oordok the Blue bossy engine that always likes to be right, Bertie the little bus, Jakes the red arrogant bitch, Percy the annoying little friend to Thomas.

Sound familiar? Well, it probably is. In case you haven't noticed, this is surprisingly similar to Thomas the Tank Engine. In fact... it just might be...

Ahaha. Thank god I'm going to Hong Kong at the end of the year. Everyone needs one of these awesome T-Shirts.

Oh, and there are tons more retarded translations to be recorded. In fact, I will keep a look out for them at the end of year when I go to Hong Kong and let you guys enjoy.

The smile when you tore me apart
You took my heart
Deceived me right from the start
You showed me dreams
I wished they'd turn into real

That song is another awesome song. It's called "Angels" by Within Temptation, if you can be bothered to look it up.

Yup, so my long weekend basically involved: Economics, Vampire Diaries and Nancy Drew. Yup! Oh, and I found my iTouch, which is good, cuz I was looking for it =.=

Oh, you guys should most definitely check out some Nancy Drew Games. http://www.herinteractive.com/Mystery_Games
They are all totally underrated. I mean, it's probably no COD graphics or crap, but at least it doesn't slow your computer down to mass lag and it's just as addictive as the Sims 3.

If only I stopped creeping myself out with all the ghosts and darkness.

So, that's all for today.

""I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door""


Friday, October 15, 2010
Get your kicks, on route 66

Hey Folks.
It's Friday evening, which provides no reason why I shouldn't make a blog. A real blog at that, since yesterday's was a confuddlement of random and unnecessary stuff. So, how was my day today? It was... good I guess. I mean, it started to rain again, I sold my shares for Economics, completed my English essay and learned some vectors in maths. F--U--N.

Oh, and I am very very excited to inform you all that my braces will be off on December 3, 2010. Yay. This means I can start looking normal again. It also means that I won't have to spend half an hour brushing my teeth every day, and the awkward flossing positions will be over.

And the pain will all be gone and I can finally eat again. Yay.

This also means that I can travel to Hong Kong and not look like a clown. Actually, speaking of Hong Kong, many of you may or might know that I am travelling to Hong Kong at the end of the year, I think on the 8 December. Yeah, so I have two weeks of holidays post school break up, then I go to the freezing cold and terribly dry climate of Hong Kong for 5 weeks, and come back with chapped raw lips, an extra layer of fat on the stomach, and a whole lot of cute souviners! Yay - joy!

I guess I should be excited. In a way I am, but you know, I really, really want to visit the other wonderful places that this earth has to offer. It seems that whenever I go on holidays, it's to China or Hong Kong. Actually, these are the only places that I have ever been regarding travels overseas.

So, this got me thinking, and whilst looking at photos on flickr, it came to me how many places this world has to offer, no matter how insignificant or neglected they may be. So you know what? I decided to compile a small list of places that I will Most Definitely visit while I exist on earth.

OK. So...

Why Switzerland? You may ask, well, I thought the pictures say it all. Not only is Switzerland home to many of the beautiful landscape that you experience in this picture above, it is also home to many wonderful and scrumptuous pastries that I just can't wait to sink my teeth into.


Okay, so you probably have gathered I'm a real sucker for nature scenes. But look at that waterfall? Doesn't it just make you want to steal those people's boat.

Okay, so naturally I want to go to Germany. This country, in fact, is probably the most likely country that I am to visit in the near future, as HOPEFULLY I am going to go on exchange there next year *crosses fingers*

Castles and architecture are big things in Germany. However, most likely the reason I will visit Germany is to experience the culture and drink lots of beer. Oh, and I actually want to improve my german too.


This lake is so beautiful, that I just want to jump in that water now. I know that this is not a country, moreso a place, but it is the ONE place in China that I most desperately want to visit. It just kind of sucks that it is really really cold there.


Yup, another Nature Scene. But honestly, if you're heading to Canada, you can't miss the Rockies. It's just so beautiful.

6. USA

If I were there, I'd be pissing myself with fear, but it would be stupid to not visit this place. It's a work of art, with millions of years of sediments building into this landform to form the beautiful rocky outcrop it is today.
Yellowstone National Park wallpaper , Yellowstone river, National Parks wallpaper , nature wallpaper
Yellowstone National Park: This place isn't so much for its flora beauty, but for the sheer mass of fauna that flocks here every spring.


Ahh... Look at those beautiful buildings.


I have to hit the city scene once in a while, don't I? Oh, and I see the spot where they filmed doctor who! XD


When I first saw this in the Top Gear Special, I was instantly infatuated by those amazing rocky things. I honestly wonder how they formed.. I'm guessing Volcanic Plugs but I could be wrong.

Yup Cindy, you must take me there
 WHAT IS THAT PLACE CALLED? I need to know desperately

Ok, so unfortunately my mum is going to kill me very soon, so I need to cut this blog short. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed looking at the beautiful places I'm most likely never going to visit. If you have any fantastic places, be sure to add onto the list. XD

Signing off

Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Boys of Winter

Time to update! And lots of brilliant little photos to top it all off. I hope you enjoy this.
And how to flowers bloom when the rain goes away and the sun takes her reign in the sky once again. For most people, like my mum, it would be a relief. You know, so she doesn't have to hang all the washing in my room and in the bathroom (that's a relief). Personally, I actually prefer it when it rains. I like it when the rain pelts down from the sky and bangs onto the roof, making that little patter noise. The smell's also nice too. The only thing I don't like is when it drenches me through. That's not pleasant.

Okay, so I am really peeved at myself now. It took me around 2 hours to write this blog, because I was procrastinating. Now, I'm going to stop doing it, because it means that I'm only doing 10 things instead of 11. I am sick of writing, becuase I wrote 2000 words in pretty much everything today.

Oh, and I now have a bed time. 10 pm. Jump for Joy. I'm now a little kid....

Oh, and vampire diaries is awesome.

Signing off

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
This Life ain't easy.

Okay. So this isn't a rage blog. No, because that would be idiotic. I'm just whining about the ways of life and about the stupid fact that a) all my assignments are approaching super fast and I am running super slowly b) that I didn't get into vocal soiree and c) the fact that poetry sucks and I can't identify even a simple poetic device. Who gives a crap about poetic devices. Gosh. As human beings, must we pick at every single detail? Or can't we just live with the fact that some things are JUST the way they are...

Take this plant for example. I guess you could disect it, take it to the laboratories and look at it under a microscope.  I guess you could go all the way to give a name to it, discover its exact mechanisms, feed it to a dozen guinea pigs and watch them all die to come to the conclusion that it's poisonous. But is that really necessary? I mean, what the heck? It's not like we're ever going to write a goddamned analytical essay on poetry in our careers.

Well, normal people won't anyways. <<

Okay. So next topic that has been the highlight of my day: the matter of the eagerly anticipated assignments. I mean, I love assignments. They are so beautiful, wholesome. In fact, I would write a poem about them if I didn't know that it would probably cause misery to the hundreds of school children that would be breaking it down. Now, apparently teachers don't enjoy giving out assignments. I suppose that's logical, since they have to mark the damn things (anyone who knows me will understand the especial misery they would experience in marking my assignments) but I think that they secretly do. As a wise being, I have gathered in my timely stay on this planet that humans enjoy watching other humans suffer. We are all bullies. Don't dispute, because it's true.

Teachers are no different. Now, they might complain about the lack of sleep they've had or the mass of assignments they get. They might complain about about their lack of wages (um. well, they earn more than a vet, whom is by the way much smarter) but we all know that inside they are big fat bullies that hog all the resources that we, as students, pay for. Oh, and they get payed for it too.

Examples? Well, firstly, they get their own staffrooms. They get their own desks in these staffrooms, with nice plushy chairs and nice little laptops. They get free printing, they get to wear free dress. In assembly, they get to sit on those nice plastic chairs whilst we squash up on the floor. They get to touch the blinds that we paid for. They get to change the backgrounds on their laptops. They get to go on youtube for heck's sake.

Oh, and they get to push in front of us in the tucksop line, and then they scold us for being inconsiderate to other people.

I mean, come on, we're not THAT daft.

And the assignments just top it off. Today, my economics teacher took the greatest pleasure in announcing that we had to do a speech next week. I mean, I knew it was coming, but I didn't know it was THAT soon. For crying out loud, I usually need a week to practise alone. Those teachers, they just try and ruin your day for fun.

Yup, and to top THAT off, the shares went down by like 5% each share. So much for profit.

So yes, I apologise for the whiny blog, but it has raised a few points on whether our teachers are actually as self actualised as we imagined them to be.

So, now, vocal soiree.

I was so confident that I would get in. I mean, if some people who have no prior musical experience could get in, then why couldn't I? I mean, I have been playing piano for a number of years. I have also started taking voice lessons ( Operaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, don't doubt it. Meat Loaf sang opera). I mean, and personally I don't think I sing that bad.

But no, I didn't get in. Even after I bought the $40 book for accompaniments. Even after I practised all holidays and pissed my parents off so badly that they were hoarse from telling me to shut up.

I guess they just don't think I'm good enough - or, maybe it's something more....

You know, I think they did that because they secretly hate me because I quit vocal ensemble. Maybe it wasn't because of that, but most likely it was. I know this is pointless, but it's just another thing to say how evil teachers really are.

Anyways, that's all I've really got to say. Or whine.

Sorry about the lack of photos. I was at the gym this afternoon so I didn't actually get to take many. Plus, the rain was making me feel lazy.

Signing off

Monday, October 11, 2010
Dear Diary....

Okay, so I guess this is going to be my first blog.

Blogs are very peculiar in a way. I guess I lot of people use them to describe their days, their emotions and other random stuff. A lot of people blog about their interests which may include fashion, music, literature, theater - all that stuff. What am I going to blog about, and what defines my main purpose? Well, I suppose my main motive in blogging will be photography and the how my photos relate to my life, what make them special and all that sort of crap.

I bought in May a Canon Eos 40d and a Sigma DC f/2.8 17-75mm lens which totalled to around ~$800 but I had no purpose with it. I mean, sure it could take pictures, but after around a month, my neighbourhood got a bit non-photogenic, which kind of resulted in an entire waste of money. So after sharing some of my photos with Victoria, I came around to the conclusion that perhaps I could make a blog focusing around my photos. Not only would this give me an opportunity to expand my photographic horizons, but it would give me a chance to improve my writing skills (which fail epically at the moment) and an incentive to use my camera every few days XD.

So now I have my whole purpose of blogging out of the way, I guess I should blog about my day.



It falls out of the sky from a never ending bucket.

Pit pat pit pat.

I am procrastinating and out of ideas for this blog already, because of the rain. I guess listening to some good music helps, but it doesn't help much.

Rain pretty much defined my day. I woke up to rain, I went to school in a bus enveloped in rain. I walked to school in rain, almost got swamped by rainwater by passing cars. I walked to L block admist the little rainwater creeks rushing towards rainwater drain that carried other putrid rainwater streams to the ocean. I even listened to the rain during assembly, since it was the only remotely interesting thing to listen to... (goddamn Mr. M and his forever lasting billet speeches)

Even in Biology we were dealing with rain problems, for example the problem of dryland salinity when land is cleared and there are no plants to absorb the rainwater, hence raising the water table and dissolved salts.

So yeah, I attempted to take pictures, but rain enveloped my camera. Oh God Damn The Rain.

That pretty much summarises my beautiful day.

Anyways, before I release you from my clutches of boredom, I just noticed something extremely wierd. Some of you may know, I am at the moment obsessed with Evanescence, which is a GREAT band by the way. I simply adore Amy Lee; she is so beautiful and has a hauntingly mesmerising voice. But, as I was listening to one of their songs, I noticed several subliminal messages.... like "I want to die..." A bit creepy I might imagine, but I guess the song was good so all forgiven XD

OK. So before I finish, I'll recommend to you some awesome stuff that I've experienced recently

Within Temptation: A dutch band but with a really really good lead singer. Like, super soprano. And their music is very very meaningful and beautiful. Give it a listen on youtube or itunes if you care to.

The Infernal Devices: The Prequel to the City Of Bones trilogy by Cassandra Clare, this book literally got me hooked from the first page. The hot characters still have me enthralled, not to mention the dreadful cliffhanger. If you haven't read the City of Bones, I highly recommend that too.

Lion of Senet, from The Second Suns Trilogy by Jennifer Fallon: Another book from a trilogy, this book I have just started, but already it seems enthralling. I don't exactly know what it is about, but all Jennifer Fallon stuff is great. It all has romance, scandal and good political wars. The brilliant Tide Lord series is available at the school library.

and finally, I just had to put this one on

The ASX: I don't know why, but this thing is even more addicting than the Sims 3. If you did economics, you'd understand.

So, sorry about the super long post, but I guess I had something to say after all.

You Know You Love Me
