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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Life will be the death of me

Hey guys!
Sorry for the long wait - school has driven me to the brink of death. I personally don't have very much time at the moment to blog, but I'd like to take this opportunity to post a few pictures that I have taken over the past few weeks.

This is one of the photos I took when I was just walking up the street, looking for things to take a picture of. I did want to do a vignetting effect, but I wasn't entirely sure how to do it on photo shop.

A cute cat! You guys should be glad I'm not dead; the cat was making strange noises and sounded like it was restraining itself from eating me right there and then. Well, then again, some of you might actually be disappointed that it didn't...
There was also the occasion where this retard of a spider kept stalking me! Seriously, I was on the computer, typing away at some lousy assignment I had for biology or whatever and I saw these legs crawling up the wall - not a meter from where I was sitting. Naturally, I freaked out somewhat, but went back to work... Not five minutes later, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth in preparation to go to sleep, and there it was, staring at me with those little ugly eyes on the side of the bathtub. Yeah, pretty freaky. So, I went to sleep and dreamed about spiders and I woke up the next morning, went into the bathroom to have a shower and there it was. In the cup, eight legs and all. Good thing I wasn't brushing my teeth eh...

I swear to God, this spider was stalking me. Well, it died that day, so yay.
Another pretty flower! I like taking pictures of flowers. I know that I should probably add some sort of variation to my photographic style, but unfortunately flowers are all that are interesting in my neighbourhood. But I promise you guys: when I go to Hong Kong, I will deliver you guys the most amazing pictures that you will ever see! In fact, I am hoping to get this lens here
Just take your time and look through the photos that some people have taken with this lens; I trust you won't be disappointed! The great thing is that it costs almost 50% less in Hong Kong than it does in Australia, which is a hefty bargain if you ask me. Unfortunately, it is still very pricey, so I suppose I'll just have to beg my parents for some cash.

If I don't get this lens, I suppose I will just opt for this lens instead. It's a macro lens and considerably cheaper, yet produces the same great quality images as the above lens. 
Again, look at some of these photos; you definitely won't be disappointed!
In fact, it would be great if you actually advise me which one to buy! I obviously can't purchase both, and since you guys are the ones looking at my photos, it makes sense that you choose which one I should buy!
Yeah, another flower *sigh* Well, at least it's in Christmas colours (yay), which reminds me, I will be in Hong Kong during Christmas Time! I'll be sure to capture some great Hong Kong Christmas Night Life shots and share them with you! In fact, if I'm lucky, Hong Kong shoot up some fireworks in the habour at the time of Christmas, so I might actually get some good firework shots! That is, if I have a tripod. Oh dear, Photography is such an expensive hobby.

Another thing I tried recently was a concept called HDR, also known as High Dynamic Range Photography. It is something really to work for, because it can truly yield some spectacular results! Basically, the concept behind it is where you basically mesh together images of varying exposure brackets, let's say -2EV, -1EV, 0, +1EV, +2EV. By merging them together, you should get the perfect exposure throughout the frame, with the highlights toned down due to the low exposure setting and the shadows toned up due to the high exposure setting. I did a quick one above and although it doesn't look that spectacular, it is a step. A step! I believe that HDR is actually a great indicator of photographic ability, contrary to Mitchell's belief, since not only does it require skill in photography, but it requires skill in digital processing!
Here are the original photos, if you want to see the difference

Here's the first one, at the exposure +2EV. Now, even though it looks entirely washed out, the shadows are perfectly exposed.
Here is the one, at just right exposure. I suppose it provides a good base? However, some things are slightly overexposed, like the bridge and the sky.

This is the last one, with -2EV exposure. Though very dark, it still preserves the details of the sky, which I suppose is important in the merging of the photos.

Again, if you're interested, I suggest you take a look at this link:
Not only is it good for balancing out the exposure and creating an overall pleasing image, it can create some pretty wicket effects, like illustrating cloud and water movement and highlighting otherwise undetected texture in bricks.

Here is a better one, minus the crappy foreground.
Another picture with a long 30 second exposure! It's kind of retarded how the light trail finishes up before the frame ends, but the effect is still pretty damn awesome!
Although the railing is a bit out of proportion, the desired effect was nice, and I think that with a proper tripod, it would actually be quite attractive. Besides, the sunset is nice looking!

I thought that I might also add in some funny, retarded pictures of some people that I have taken over the time but never really bothered to upload. I know some of you will get a laugh out of them....

I hope you enjoyed my pictures! I'm sorry, I could've uploaded more, but my mum was whinging at me for being on the computer for too long. I honestly hate it when my mum complains, because it never ever ends. 
Happy Holidays Folks!

Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm sorry guys, I just uploaded and then I forgot to add in my awesome new photos!

Here they are:

 Sunsets are jewels
They come out at dusk
sparkling, colourful
mysterious and wonderful
Repetitive, yet always charming
A rare moment, abrupt but nostalgic
of memories
shared by you and me

Why Does it Rain on Utopia?

Hey guys. It's been a while, again. So, I guess the longer the length of time I've been neglecting to society, I guess the more I have to explain! So, I'll start with a few announcements to make.

Where your ordinary, innocent, naive sims turn into the deadly creatures of night. It's so awesome, although I haven't played it very much yet. I totally recommend it, though unfortunately you also need the sims 3 base package as well. But not to worry, since the hundred or so dollars is definitely well spent!

Here are also some screenshots that I collected whilst playing.

Say hello to Jessamine Provin. Yeah, I'm guessing that several of you will know where I got that name from: the legendary Second Sons Trilogy by Jennifer Fallon. I also totally endorse that series too! It has everything, absolutely everything that a book should contain, which ranges from romance to adventure to scandal and very well written political intrigue. I'm just about half way through the third and final book, and I'm pleased to say that so far it kicks Harry Potter's butt, if you take that as a good thing. But don't kill me - Harry Potter's awesome too, 'kay?!

Okay, so I'm getting distracted. So yeah, Jessamine is a vampire, as you can tell from the glowy looking eyes and her pale, translucent skin. I say the vampire aspect of things have really added appeal to the game; however, it can be annoying avoiding the sun, since during the day is the only time when people are actually around to feed on...
Hehe, skinny dipping is also an option for Late Night too, and although I haven't tried it yet, you can actually hide the idiot's clothes. That would most certainly be an adventure of some sort! I would kill to do that in real life, but I think I would be way too chicken.

There are also night clubs and celebrity levels that you can achieve, which is super awesome. I'm a four star celebrity at the moment, which isn't going to go up very fast seeing my sim has a very... uh.... unfortunate habit of a) biting sims in public or b) having sex in elevators. Don't judge me though; it's fun playing God and watching people suffer.

Actually, what if our lives are simply just some person's computer game or whatever. Like, our life is artificial and superficial and the person playing the game, supposably God, is just like me and enjoys playing people and watching them suffer. I don't know if I like the feeling of that, but I guess the options just as plausable as the God theorem. In fact, now that I think of it, God must play all the sadistic and evil people in this world whom have some sense of individuality and we must be the set default characters, seeing we are essentially all clones.

Anyways, back to more pleasant terms.

I also promised Victoria to do a blog about cute little doggies. Now, I have really really really really wanted a doggie for quite some time. In fact, I actually want to become a vet once I finish school. Vet's have such an awesome job in my opinion. You have an opportunity to help animals, and you are often exposed to different challenges every day. So, as a result of this, I have decided to compile a list of doggie breeds that I would consider buying, so I'll leave it to you guys to decide which one!

1. Rottweiler
I love this dog. It's so horribly mean, but you can't help but fall in love with its cuteness.

2. Golden Retriever
The all-rounder family dog.

3. Shetland Sheepdog

3. German Shepherd
You know, like Inspector Rex?

4. Papillon
Papillon, meaning butterfly. It's no doubt why...
5. Japanese Spitz
Oh this cutie pie would have me bowing at its feet
6. Australian Shepherd
Multi coloured beautiful balls of fluff

7. Siberian Husky
It will melt in our climate, but I would make it snow for this cute doggie. Look at those eyes!

8. Pomeranian
Victoria would kill me if I didn't put this one in. But it is cute... I guess. XD
Nah, they are pretty adorable! I would totally get one!

Well, I'm feeling lethargic, so I reckon I'm going to go and have a shower, then watch some more awesome episodes of vampire diaries then go and read The Lord of the Shadows!

See ya!